Gastronomic Tours


Trail Travel has been working hard for the last few years to propose an exciting alternative of responsible tourism, where we develop a global link that facilitates contact with people who love their country, unique in their profession and their customs.
How to combine travel with eating and being creative?
We organize private tours where we focus on the connection to the site using roads that are part of this project and where you will discover the island of Gran Canaria.

You will be guided by the palate, where the taste is the main thing. With amazing scenery nobody passes unnoticed, no schedule and no stress. Our products make you discover an entirely different Gran Canaria. Breaking routines, combining taste, hiking through pine forests, picnic among vineyards and anecdotes of our uriners in historical places. We reveal the best kept secrets that hide in a place as small as this island.

EXCLUSIVE (private) excursions in a unique and personalized tour focused on gastronomic connection with the spectacular landscape that Gran Canaria has to offer, tasting its artisan products: cheese, coffee, aloe vera and olive oil. Without schedules, without stress, producers will show you and explain everything about your production and tradition.
Get out of the routine, combine tasting, hiking among pine groves, walks among ravines, picnics, and anecdotes of our aborigines in historical places of passage. We reveal to the traveler the best kept secrets that hides a place as small as this island. Live this experience from a really privileged and envied line. We want to break with conventional tours, guided by the palate and the sensations that will lead the traveler to discover a very different Gran Canaria that very few people experience during their stay here.

What´s So Special ? Be as specific as possible !