Thousands of Colors


Already, in the year 2022, any display of one of our mobile management suite electronic devices is able to work with a large number of colors that entertain us visually through its lighting interface.

The topic I wishing to write about in this new chapter deals with how we collate between some people who were looking a screen, when we’re emotionally involved, I've even seen it reading a book, this time it could be for you, at least, that's what I should that, it could be nice to reach your soul. 

I’m simply talking about, the fact that it is true, let me give you an example, it may seem strange, an uncontrolled smile or an admiration gesture made after the appearance of a dialogue, generating an aptitude change, while staring the mobile screen. 

If we’re alone, what happen just in this case? Well, the intensity than you can perceive something as superficial as the transformation from real world to the analog one, never ceases to amaze me.

The fashion programs, the news, the social networks publications, the chats, all of this are included in the purpose to create an audience,  more than one day enjoying the appearance of so many tools, so well computerized, all of this is found every time more within reach of our hands. It’s not strange to perceive a lost face, as "fishing" I would say, that remains plausible with the exception of some isolated stimulus; how ridiculist it manifests itself and at the same time how relaxing it sounds. 

Human behavior will never cease to surprise us, it is possible to look for something funny in the face of this curious dyslexic effect? I maybe need to update my knowledge. Such an aberration borders of the absurd and threatens the integrity of all humanity. Who doesn’t remember in black and white television one historical fact!